黃槐 | 常見農業害蟲資訊網
黃槐-照片1...黃槐.豆科.學名:Sennasurattensis(Burm.f.)H.S.Irwin&Barneby...適合全日照且溫暖環境,花開於新枝的枝端,修剪有助於萌生新枝,讓開花更 ...
學名:Senna surattensis (Burm.f.) H.S.Irwin & Barneby
英名:Scrambled Egg Tree、Sunshine Tree、Glossy Shower
簡介 Description決明屬常綠喬木,原產印度、錫蘭。樹高5~7m,分枝多,樹冠呈圓形。互生羽狀複葉,葉長10~15cm;小葉7~9對,長橢圓形或卵形,長2~5cm,寬1~1.5cm。總狀花序自枝端的葉腋伸出,花瓣鮮黃至深黃色,5枚卵圓形花瓣,花徑2~3cm。莢果扁平帶狀,開長7~10cm,寬0.8~1.2cm。全年都能開花結果。
An evergreen tree in the genus Senna, native to India and Ceylon. It can grow up to 5~7m tall, profusely branched, crown in round shape. Alternate pinnate compound leaves, 10~15cm long; 7~9 pairs of leaflets shaped oblong or ovate, 2~5cm long and 1~1.5cm wide. Racemes borne from the leaf axils, 5 oval petals colored bright yellow or deep yellow, 2~3cm in diameter. It produces flat pods, 7 to 10 cm long and 0.8 to 1.2 cm wide. Blooming and fruit throughout the year.
栽培 Cultivation ...黃槐 | 常見農業害蟲資訊網
沙漠黃槐 | 常見農業害蟲資訊網
金邊黃槐 | 常見農業害蟲資訊網
黃槐 | 常見農業害蟲資訊網
士林黃槐花@ 海天遊蹤 | 常見農業害蟲資訊網
黃槐 | 常見農業害蟲資訊網
家庭培栽黃槐決明怎麼養護呢? | 常見農業害蟲資訊網
黃槐 | 常見農業害蟲資訊網
*田尾玫瑰園* 庭園用樹 | 常見農業害蟲資訊網